仟咯文库 贸易合同


发布时间: 2023-05-29 11:56:14

if any regarding to the quantities of the goods, shallbe lodged within

___ days after arrival of the goods at the destination. the sellers shallnot take any responsibility if anyclaims concerning the shipping goods isup tothe responsibility of insurancecompany/transportation company/post office.


force majeure: the sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial ortotal non-performance of this contractdue to force majeure. but

the sellers shall advise the buyers on time of such occurrence.


disputes settlement:


all disputes arising out of the contractor concerning the contract,

shall be submitted to the china international economic and tradearbitration commission for arbitrationin accordance with its rules ofarbitrationin china. the arbitration shall take placein china. the arbitralawardis finaland binding upon both parties.


law application:


it will be governed by the law of the peoples republic of china under thecircumstances that the contract is signed or the goods while the disputesarising are in the peoples republic of china or the deffendant is chinese legalperson, otherwise it is governed by united nations convention on contract forthe international sale of goods.

本合同使用的fob、cfr、cif、ddu术语系根据国际商会《incoterms 1990》。

the terms in the contract are basedon incoterms 1990 of the internationalchamber of commerce.


versions: this contract is made outin both chinese and english of whichversionis equally effective. conflicts between these two languages arisingtherefrom, if any, shall be subject to chinese version.


additional clause: (conflicts between contract clause here-above an

d this additional clause, if any, it is subject to this additional clau



this contract is in ___ copies, effective since being signed/sealed bybothparties.


representative of the sellers:representative of the buyers:


authorized signiture: authorized signiture:h1206--010831lwj

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